Proud Sponsors of The Dance Affinity’s 2022 Worlds Team

APG Australia is pleased to announce that we are the new Diamond Sponsors for The Dance Affinity’s 2022 Worlds Team, the Diamond Angels. In April 2022, The Dance Affinity will be taking its first-ever dance team overseas to compete at the IASF Dance Worlds in Florida, USA.

This prestigious opportunity was awarded to the team at the 2021 AASCF Nationals Competition, where they were the proud recipient of 2 x WORLDS BIDS. To compete at this international event, dancers must earn their spot. Similar to the Olympics, teams are selected to compete based on skill level and only those who are granted a bid are eligible to enter.

The Dance Affinity will be competing in both the Open Lyrical and Open Jazz sections

As a Diamond Sponsor of the team, we will be supporting the team to cover training costs including rehearsals. We can’t wait to share their journey and the incredible work this team will do when representing the region on an international stage.

Chad McPhee

Chad McPhee has worked with APG Australia for nearly two decades. During his time working in the civil, mining and construction industry, Chad has amassed a reputation for reliability & innovation when it comes to all aspects of the company. His dedication to his clients is one of the leading reasons APG is now a nationwide provider of the best equipment on the market today.


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